3 min readFeb 8, 2024

Before i go into this article, here’s a link to the PDF file i drafted with full explanations as regarding this topic

If you constantly suffer indecision, you could be suffering a form of trauma called “Decisional Paralysis”

The psychological distress or emotional turmoil resulting from indecision is commonly referred to as decisional trauma. It describes the negative impact on an individual’s well-being when faced with choices but unable to make a decision coming from a long list of chained actions and reactions to previous decisions made in time past

Over time this trauma leaves residuals of stress, anxiety, being stuck in the moment, and most especially the feeling of unsatisfaction with one's life. In a world full of distractions, taking the initiative to know yourself is a powerful investment that invariably always leads to a good end provided you project into self-awareness and knowledge acquisition

Decisional trauma comes entangled with other struggles most of which were not originally there to begin with, the majority of them were picked as you evolved from one life event to another because naturally your thought process and way of life start to build a path that is what you exhibit as a character. In all, we know by nature that every good habit leads to another as every bad habit often leads to another likewise

If you are currently in a quest to satisfy your inner intentions, listening to your inner voice, and trying to fulfill the pursuit of life, there must be lots of distractions currently in your way, some of which are Self-Doubt, Procrastination, Lack of confidence, Lack of self-esteem but all these require minimum efforts compared to the equal efforts it will take to actually improve

For any problem to be solved, it has to undergo a process of acknowledgment before it then experiences solution finding until when it can naturally fade, it often starts with a desire and a feeling of unease inwardly and It costs little effort to make things happen but you’ll rather choose your negatives over the positive which is what successful people do not do.

If you must stand out from the crowd and be the purple cow, here are a few questions you might want to answer deeply within yourself. These questions will help you engage in mindfulness hence channeling your potential energy into profitable present but goals-oriented tasks

  • What is most important to me in life?
  • What brings me joy?
  • What characteristics about me am I mostly attracted to?
  • What characteristics about others am I mostly attracted to?
  • What am I holding on to from my past that is keeping me from moving forward?
  • What fears of limiting belief do I have about myself or my life?
  • What does success in life mean to me?
  • What does a day in my dream life look like?
  • What change am I willing to make to create my dream life?
  • How can I better serve the world around me?

Take out 1hr before your bedtime to sit and reflect on these questions because it is only when you identify the emotional truth behind your core existence that you will be able to engage your mind in the process of reshaping and remolding yourself

Share your answers in the comments and tag anyone you know who needs to engage in self-discovery.

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Cheers to growth!




Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover